Wednesday, June 11

G+T Parents: Some Have News, Many Still Holding

We've been hearing today from lots of parents who haven't yet had word on their child's g+t kindergarten and first-grade placement. The official word from the DOE is "this week" -- and as it's 'only' Wednesday, more waiting's in order. If we learn more about when news was mailed, we'll let you know -- but our bet is that the folks at OSEPO are plenty eager to get the news out. If you've gotten anything in the afternoon mail, let us know.

For families looking for seats in upper-elementary g+t programs, the application deadline is June 26th, with placements announced in mid-August. Details are also here on the DOE site, but go into the process with your eyes wide open: Comparatively few spots open up for upper-grade students, and competition can be fierce.

Still waiting for news on District 1, District 3, and middle-school snafus in District 15 and elsewhere. Hope for something of substance before too long...


Anonymous said...

I called today and was told the letters are ABOUT to be mailed this week, so I guess we shouldn't expect any news until next week...

Anonymous said...


When you write "Some have news" about G&T K placement: How many kids are you factually writing about? Is this based on hear-say or on actual parents confirming that they got an acceptance letter for any of the city-wide schools?
I've been following this blog now for two nerve-wrecking weeks, and I have yet to see somebody to write that they got an acceptance or rejection letter for a city-wide K placement.
If you don't have any hard facts it might be better to simply say so. Also, if you do have facts, please name the source and contact information.

just my $.02,

Anonymous said...

Some have news??? WHo has got their letter already? No one I know.

Anonymous said...

I too have joined the ranks of the obsessed in this long wait for G&T K placements. I have yet to hear anyone who got their G&T placement.

helen said...

it's late so this note will be brief, but please know, Mike and other commenters, that we are not adversaries here -- we are allies, all trying to get and share information on public school issues of concern. With these mysterious delays and frustrations, "nerve-wracking" is an understatement...and patience, elusive at best. Hope that you, and all others who've written in, get news soon and can make plans for September.

Anonymous said...

We've been calling the office and were told letters were going out Thursday or Friday.

Anonymous said...

Mike, don't bite the hand that feeds us ;)

Anonymous said...

Went to grad school. Passed lots of exams. Defended a PhD thesis....All a piece of cake compared to the stress of waiting for my child's G&T placement letter.

Anonymous said...

No letter in today's mail...They must be mailing out today like some people posted...
Please know that we really appreciate your hard work. Even during this frustrating time, because of your site and blog, we know that we are not the only ones that have not received the letter or going through this ordeal, which is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Helen - I want to add my thanks as well. Without your blog and we would be completely in the dark.

Anonymous said...

I think when Helen said "some have news" she really meant those waiting for middle school results. Those results were mailed out last week, so parents have already received them. Elementary results are still not out though and, if DOE gave me correct info, will be mailed out by the end of the week (I'm the same person who posted the info earlier)

Anonymous said...

D2: No letter today for G&T kindergarten.

dr. Monty Weinstein said...

Helen: We have written twice before on this. WHo is the contact person at OSEPO for Gifted and talented K placement and who do I speak to to apply for a variance based on fact that my older daughter is going to a District 21 middle school and we need the two children to be closed together for transportation purposes?

Anonymous said...

D1: No letter in the mail today either on the citywide G&T K placement or for the D1 gen ed lottery.

Anonymous said...


Bear in mind that the middle school letters BEGAN to arrive a full week after the supposed mailing date OSEPO gave Philissa. Mailing on the 13th could well mean you still won't see any letters arrive until the 20th or later.

It certainly was comforting to know that it wasn't just us who didn't know about placement but ultimately we heard from the selective middle school directly before the DOE mail arrived. Wouldn't be surprised if the same happens with K.

Hang tough.

Vito J. LaBella said...

I emailed Nicky Rosen on Wednesday, she replied promptly and stated that letters would be out by today (Friday).

Good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

I got the G&T K placement letter today. Good luck to all!