Saturday, July 21

Comment now on discipline code changes

The DOE has announced its proposed revisions to the discipline code, which it now is subtitling "Bill of Students' Rights and Responsibilities, K-12." You can view the code online; proposed changes are highlighted in red. You can comment on the changes until August 8, when the DOE will hold a public hearing on them.

Most of the proposed changes reflect the changing titles of DOE personnel who are responsible for discipline. But there are a couple of substantive changes you might want to pay attention to:

  • The code now contains an updated link to the full set of Chancellor's Regulations online.
  • Horseplay is now explicitly excluded from "Level 4" infractions for younger students.
  • "Sexually suggestive" speech and behaviors have been bumped up a level of severity for older kids; they can now result in a year-long superintendent's suspension.
  • And several lines strongly suggesting counseling for kids who commit certain offenses seem to have been removed.
Let us know if you see other changes. You can submit comments by email until Aug. 8.

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