Wednesday, March 5

More budget cuts looming, for schools and the rest of the city

More bad budget news -- and this time, it's not just for schools. The mayor announced yesterday that all city agencies will have to trim an additional 3 percent from their budgets next year because of decreased state aid.

It's not clear whether the cuts will actually happen -- the Times suggests that the mayor's announcement yesterday may have been a gambit to pressure Governor Spitzer into finding more money for the city -- but if they do, they will be catastrophic for schools, despite the mayor's insistence (again yesterday!) that "you can always make do with less." Last month, when the mayor cut 1.75 percent of schools' budgets (and announced a cut of 5 percent for next year), Insideschools heard from dozens of principals that they were cutting tutoring, after school, and enrichment programs, as well as funds for supplies and professional development. An 8 percent total cut for next year would be severe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In times like these it might be necessary to take a new look to bring some positive energy into schools

Plant a SEED (Saving Earth Every Day)
in your community today and see how your school can not only bring back those lost funds but also help your school enter the world of the Education in the 21st Century.