Monday, December 3

G&T handbooks available now

It's December 3 -- time for the frenzy over G&T admissions to ratchet up a notch! Today the DOE released handbooks outlining the updated regulations and containing the Request for Testing form, as well as the hotly anticipated sample BSRA exams.

The basic handbook is online, but to get the test prep materials, you'll need to pick up the particular handbook that applies to your kid's age. To parents' annoyance, those handbooks weren't available today at the Manhattan Borough Enrollment Center on Seventh Avenue, but parents on the Upper West Side were able to pick them up at the District 3 office. Where else are they available?

And you will definitely need the handbook, because after the Daily News let people know that pretty much all you needed to buy the BSRA exam was a master's degree and a non-New York City address, the DOE had Harcourt Assessment pull the exam off the market.

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