Friday, October 26

8th Grader Izzy: The test is closing in!

Tomorrow at 8 in the morning, the Specialized High School Admission Test will start.

Tension is definitely running high at my school, and the student body seems to have broken up into groups:

  • the Majorly Stressed Out, or the kids whose lives depend on passing this test;
  • the Middle Group, or the kids who would love to get in and are fairly worried, but still seem to have a clear head (this is me);
  • the Minimally Stressed Out, or the kids who really want to get in but aren't really concerned;
  • and the Micro Group, the kids who are taking this test because their parents want them to, but have already decided to stay at our school for high school.
Some students are even skipping school today so as to rest up and cram in some last-minute studying.

I'm not ruling out my current school for another four years, but the key problem is right there: another four years. I think I'm just about ready for a change of scene. Now let's hope the test tomorrow goes well enough to give me the options I want.


Philissa said...

Good luck, Izzy!

sapa said...

i gave the test today and was the best!