Wednesday, October 3

8th grader Izzy: The heat is on!

Hey there! Once again, sorry for lack in posts lately, but my work has increased in size and I've been rather stressed out! My tutoring sessions have gotten more serious, and last class, we had to take a mock-Specialized High School Admission Test just to see how much we've all learned. Talk about grueling!

Last Thursday, I visited a school in a neighborhood not far from my own. It was a beautiful building, filled to the brim with wonderful student art and posters for clubs. The student representation at the meeting seemed happy, intelligent, and very enthusiastic about their school. The curriculum sounded rigorous and exciting, although I felt as though perhaps the stress-levels could run a little high (they get about five hours of homework a night). However, the neighborhood itself was a little troublesome. On our way back to the car at about seven the night of the tour, we were met by a gang of kids wielding sticks that had congregated outside of a nearby school. That in itself was a little nerve-wracking.

Over all, I could see myself possibly attending this school, but I'm not sure whether or not I would be able to keep up with the fast-paced schedule.

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