Tuesday, September 18

8th grader Izzy: How much stress is too much stress?

Eighth grade has certainly started out with a bang! I have a few teachers that are new to my school, and therefore unaware of how things generally run, so class time has been a little hectic. We’ve been absolutely bogged down with homework, and on top of that, I have started my weekly tutoring sessions to prepare for the specialized high school test. There is also a little homework to go along with that, but it isn't that stressful.

However, the stress that some of my friends are going through far exceeds what I’m talking about. I have one friend who comes home directly after school to study, and who is no longer allowed to spend time with his friends because his parents are so determined to get him into a good high school. He also attends the Specialized High School Institute, an after school tutoring course, once during the school week and once on Saturday, and he devotes a lot of time in between to completing the homework that the institute assigns. Yet he isn’t even sure that he wants to go to a specialized high school, even if he passes the test!

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