Wednesday, September 5

1 day down; 179 to go

Reporters must have been disappointed yesterday because according to all accounts, the first day of school went smoothly. "Classes without clashes," proclaims the New York Post, which also notes that the cell phone lockers that were supposed to be available at selected schools this fall have been delayed by at least a few months. The Sun says "cooperation is the theme" for DOE leaders this year, although parents continue to feel slighted. Joseph Berger highlights kids' "excitement and jitters" at the start of a new school year in the Times, and the Times also notes that the hotly anticipated Khalil Gibran International Academy opened not to protests but to a rally by supporters who outnumbered the 55 6th-graders.

1 comment:

Seth Pearce said...

I gotta say the first day of school went really really smooth.